I happened to peruse my AAA magazine that arrived this month and I noticed an ad for www.nationalwatercompany.com. If you own a house with an older water or sewer line, and most of us in Seattle do, you owe it to yourself to take a few moments to study this site. Yes they are selling insurance! But before you roll your eyes, do the math. $7.99/mo to cover your sewer and water lines up to $5000. per year. Anyone who has dealt with accidentally hitting your water line or your pipes backing up will instantly recognize what a bargain this is for peace of mind. Not only this but the web site is chock full of very useful information on how to curb water usage, how to estimate your water usage etc. It also had a quick video of KOMO doing a report on them to verify they are legit. I called several insurance folks I work with and they said it is a good add on because the math so clearly works in the consumer's favor. As with anything, check out the fine print but do check it out. I think it's worth the time and trouble!