Uncategorized October 14, 2020

6 Tips to Ease your Move

Uncategorized September 22, 2020

Fall Guide to Selling a Home

Uncategorized September 22, 2020

Fall Guide To Buying a Home

Uncategorized September 15, 2020

Is Now a Good Time to Move?

“With today’s changing homebuyer needs, especially given how the current health crisis has altered our daily lifestyles, many homeowners are reconsidering where they’re at and thinking about moving to a home with more space for their families. Here’s why it might be a great time to make that happen.”  Click here for more info!

Uncategorized September 1, 2020

September Magazine

Check out the September version of my magazine! Who is ready for fall?

Click here for the full version of the magazine: https://digital.remindermedia.com/diane-terry/issue-103-vol-2/1/

Uncategorized August 3, 2020

August Magazine

Take a look at the August edition of my digital magazine! How would you like to escape the city to one of these amazing tree houses??

Click Here for full magazine! : https://digital.remindermedia.com/diane-terry/issue-103-vol-1/1/

Uncategorized July 22, 2020

Q2 Gardner Report

Happy summer! To provide timely and relevant content about our region’s real estate market, I’m sharing the latest edition of the Gardner Report, an analysis of Western Washington housing trends by Windermere chief economist Matthew Gardner.

The Gardner Report – Second Quarter 2020

Uncategorized July 2, 2020

Diane Terry and Nahjeen Shirazi-Wu Sales

The pandemic has not slowed the Seattle real estate market.  Proper timing, pricing, presentation and execution still nets a great result.  Call me to help you plan your next real estate move!

Uncategorized July 2, 2020

July Digital Magazine

Uncategorized June 18, 2020

Ron & Don Podcast

2020 for me was supposed to be a year of leaning into the fear. As a true introvert, I am a horrible off the cuff speaker and prefer to ruminate on things for a long time before responding. So when my buddies, Ron and Don asked me to talk on their show about listening, my first reaction was fear. Oh, yeah! That thing I was going to lean into. So I reluctantly agreed and ended up having a blast because, it’s RON and DON of course! Have a listen but better yet, subscribe to their podcast. These guys are quality humans.
Go to your podcast app of choice, (mine is Apple Podcasts), find the #RonandDonRadio and go to Episode #118. Then come back and drop me your feedback! 😉❤️

Click HERE to listen.