I have a friend who went to the movies only to come home to her home burnt to the ground due to a build up of dryer int in the vent… When is the last time you had your dryer vent cleaned out? Here is an article worth reading:
Dryer lint is nothing to sneeze at!
To go Tankless or Not?
One of my favorite blogs to subscribe to is Mint.com. It teaches you how to think about money. It teaches you how to keep track of it and save it. Today it had an excellent article on hot water tanks. The average life of a hot water tank is about ten years. There are many reasons to think about going tankless. They are more energy efficient, they take up less room, you don't ever have to worry about coming home from vacation to a flooded basement due to your tank failing. But here is their article on the pros and cons…
In retrospect, I wish we had gone tankless the last time we had to replace our tank. But then, about 8 years ago, tankless heaters were still quite expensive. Now, they have come way down and are more reasonable. Here is Seattle City Light's page on Tankless heaters…
When Kelley would descend on the house with 2-3 carsful of Ultimate Frisbee players who were "crashing" at our house, they would have to time the showers to be fair. With a tankless heater, that would not be an issue. You could run the washer, dishwasher and take a shower at the same time. Plus it takes up less space. That is alot of space devoted to an ugly tank in the basement!
If you do still have the old style tank be sure it is sitting on a tray and is earthquake strapped. Along with the age of the tank, these are things a home inspector will note during the inspection.
Any thoughts or opinions on going tankless or not?
Insurance for Water and Sewer Lines
I happened to peruse my AAA magazine that arrived this month and I noticed an ad for www.nationalwatercompany.com. If you own a house with an older water or sewer line, and most of us in Seattle do, you owe it to yourself to take a few moments to study this site. Yes they are selling insurance! But before you roll your eyes, do the math. $7.99/mo to cover your sewer and water lines up to $5000. per year. Anyone who has dealt with accidentally hitting your water line or your pipes backing up will instantly recognize what a bargain this is for peace of mind. Not only this but the web site is chock full of very useful information on how to curb water usage, how to estimate your water usage etc. It also had a quick video of KOMO doing a report on them to verify they are legit. I called several insurance folks I work with and they said it is a good add on because the math so clearly works in the consumer's favor. As with anything, check out the fine print but do check it out. I think it's worth the time and trouble!
New Carbon Monoxide Detector Rules
Overkill, maybe but here is the new rule…
Carbon Monoxide Detectors are now required on each floor of the dwelling
AND outside each room being used as a bedroom…
Regardless of whether you have electric, oil or gas.
Email me for the new language or specific language.
FREE Heating Oil Pollution Liability Insurance
If your home currently has oil heat…please take note that two things are imperative to do. 1) It's prudent to have tank insurance. It's a very nominal monthly fee and well worth it. 2) Be sure you have registered your home with P.L.I.A. This is FREE pollution liability insurance you can get by simply registering your home. It's crazy NOT to do so. Moreover, if you are considering selling your home, it is important that you do so at least 180 days in advance. Like a preexisting health condition, if you have a leaking tank, and then sign up, it doesn't work that way. You need to have been covered for 180 days prior to there being an issue. You most certainly do not want to put your house up for sale, think you have an offer only to find out during inspection that there could be an issue. The P.L.I.A. web site is very comprehensive and easy to navigate and understand. Leaking tanks can be a deal killer not to mention a costly environmental clean up. Save yourself some heart ache by a few simple steps.
Green Home Advisor
Go to this site for energy efficiency ideas: Green Home Advisor